by Sheffield Admin | Sep 4, 2014 | Company Leadership
Positioning Your Company for Survival by Michael L. Sheffield The success or failure of any Direct Selling/MLM company is based on many issues. It is difficult to target any one factor as the primary reason a company will thrive or fail to survive. The following are a... by Sheffield Admin | Sep 4, 2014 | Company Leadership
The Cross Sponsoring Dilemma by Michael L. Sheffield Although our firm focuses on consulting and coaching support for Network Marketing executives, I, as an MLM company startup resource, regularly receive questions at our website from distributors seeking advice. The... by Sheffield Admin | Sep 4, 2014 | Company Leadership
The Biggest Mistake Your Company Can Make by Michael L. Sheffield Know you believe you understand what you think I say, but I am not sure you realize that what you hear is not what I meant. (This is one in a series of articles by Michael L. Sheffield, CEO of a firm of...